Do We Need a System or a Platform to Manage Translation?

When it comes to managing translation, is it necessary to use a system or platform? The answer to this question is an unqualified YES! However, you don’t have to host or manage it. If you have [...]

I Am Now Responsible for Language Services… What’s Next?

The responsibility of centralizing the organization’s translation needs is now yours. Your boss heard that early in your career you took control of a small, local company’s translation spend and [...]

Establish a Common Language as Part of Localization Planning

Localization is a team effort. Transforming content to ensure it has the same impact in another language and culture involves many stakeholders from content writers and graphic designers to [...]

Translation – A Service Rather Than a Commodity

With the introduction and advancement of machine translation in today’s world, just about anyone can “translate” content. Both free options, like Google Translate, and more sophisticated, [...]

Court Rules “Literal but Nonsensical” Google Translation Not Enough for Consent

Most of us have used Google Translate or a similar, free language translation web tool or app to look up a word or phrase. But what happens when Google Translate is used as the primary means of [...]

Translation Quality Assessment: Quality that Fits (Beyond the Words)

Translation Quality Assessment: Quality that Fits (Beyond the Words) In this Blog Series, we’re exploring the many aspects of assessing translation quality. So far, we’ve discussed the [...]