Site icon Vocalink Global, a Propio LS Company

A Global Voice for the Gig Economy



It used to be that “going global” with your business was a big deal. The belief that “only the ‘big dogs’ go global” was pretty commonplace. With the advent of technology combined with efficient, cost-effective global shipping, doing business globally has become the norm. Don’t believe it? Consider the various ways individuals, hobbyists, home businesses and entrepreneurs sell their products and services.

And these are just a few examples out of the many platforms that empower anyone to sell globally.

With the new “Gig Economy” growing stronger every day, established businesses must compete to keep their existing business and grow it in the face of more and more competition.  It’s a given that this includes having a global voice. But what does this mean, in practice?

A Strong Global Voice

Having a strong global voice is about more than being able to ship your product anywhere in the world. Going global includes many elements and factors, such as:

Vocalink Global designed its GlobalBrand solution to respond to today’s businesses’ need to establish a global voice. Need a multilingual communications partner to help you be heard and understood in today’s global economy? Connect with us today!


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