A Global Voice for the Gig Economy

It used to be that “going global” with your business was a big deal. The belief that “only the ‘big dogs’ go global” was pretty commonplace. With the advent of technology combined with efficient, [...]

Language and Interpreting: Past, Present and Future

Sometime between 50,000 and 2 Million years ago, human beings began talking to each other. If our distant ancestors are anything at all like we are today, sometime between 40,999.99 years ago and [...]

When Understanding Culture Is Key

While reading the book, “Caring for Patients from Different Cultures” by Geri-Ann Galanti, I came across a pretty interesting case. Marietta,* a nurse from the Philippines, was asked to cover for [...]

When Pigs Fly

When Pigs Fly Vocalink Global is headquartered in Ohio and many of our clients hail from Cincinnati. For those familiar with Cincinnati, Ohio, you know it’s the city “Where Pigs Fly.” This [...]